Monday, May 12, 2008

Hair cuts and a lost tooth

Appearances are changing around here. We gave the boys haircuts on Saturday. There are lots of ticks around and after finding three on the boys' heads we decided it was time for a summer cut. Hopefully this will be cooler for them as they play outside and also help us spot the ticks when they come inside. They both look different with short hair! Laurel lost one of her front teeth today. Mom and Dad worked together to give it the final pull and out it came. It will be strange to see her without her little baby teeth on top!
Also, we learned that 70% alcohol pads from the pharmacy will remove ink from a laptop screen. Now we will let Carter live. That is all you need to know, trust me its a Monday.


Dave Shideler said...

Cute kids! Umm could you post something about a CVS trip, I think I saw you there late at night....

Anonymous said...

Dave is Tina...