Saturday, September 11, 2010

Baseball in Germany

We attended a semi-finals game for the Regensburg Legionaires. We had a great time. Very similar in many respects to a minor league game, although in some respects very different. Of course the announcer was speaking in German,but there were a few english words here and there. Strange and nice to be able to BYO food to a baseball game! Mike and Jan brought along peanuts and the kids devoured those. We brought crackers, fruit, and drinks as well. Tickets for our family were only 12 euros.

The Regensburg team came back in the bottom of the eighth with 4 runs to win the game so that was exciting. They now move on to the finals (the equivalent to the world series in our major leagues) and some of the games will be held here. I found it very interesting that following the usual celebration by the team on the pitcher's mound and the handshakes with the losing team the players then turned to the crowd and applauded. Here is a pic:

I don't recall seeing that at any major or minor league games (Uncle Billy you can correct me in the comments if I am wrong). It was nice and it made for a nice ending to a fun game. The weather was beautiful. The crowd was polite and it was a great day for baseball. Here we are at the game:

One side note, they charged a 2 euro deposit on every cup and bottle bought from the concession stand. That is one way to keep your stadium clean!!

1 comment:

hannah said...

Glad you all are trying out some fun activities!