Sunday, October 31, 2010

BMW Welt

Today we toured the BMW Welt (Bavarian Motor Works World) in Munich.  It is a welcome center (they call it a portal) for the BMW brand.  There is a museum, the Welt facility where they introduce current models and provide customers a place pick up their new car (they don't even make one large enough for us), and the factory all located in one place.  We did the junior campus activities, took a Welt tour, and visited the museum.  Other than the junior campus it was more teen/adult oriented and definitely all about the BMW brand.  We ate at Pizza Hut across the street for lunch as we couldn't afford the BMW International Restaurant's special of 32 euros each (kids 16).  Somehow a $200 lunch just doesn't fit our budget.  I guess if you are coming to pick up your new BMW the price of lunch is somewhat irrelevant.  Pizza Hut is remarkably better here although roughly double the expense of the US.  Today they served me a diet coke with ICE!!  After drinking room temp soda for two months it was a big treat.   BMW was high on Tim's to do list so we are glad we were able to spend the day here.  He and his students will tour the BMW production plant here in Regensburg in a couple of weeks.   Here are some pics:

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