Monday, October 11, 2010

Cruise on the Danube and the Historische Wurtsküche

Last Friday we took a river cruise on the Danube.  It was a beautiful fall day and the last week the boats are running so we took advantage of it.  Yes, we climbed all the way to the top. Here are some pics:

Wahalla- our cruise destination

view from the top

From the boat as we docked

Back in Regensburg

The boat-the Johannes Kepler

Pretty fall colors

Katey is giving lots of kisses these days
Before our cruise we took time to eat at the oldest restaurant in Regensburg.  This sausage kitchen (Historische Wurtsküche) dates back to the 12th century.  More pics:

Sausage, sauerkraut, and potato soup (Carter ate a roll)

Pic of the Historische Wurtsküche from the Regensburg Tourism site

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