Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today we traveled to Salzburg, Austria.  Tonight we are relaxing in the apartment we rented and watching CNN- the only show in English on TV.  The kids have gone 2 months without television and today watched cartoons in German- they were that desperate. We ate dinner at McDonalds per Carter's request and the fact we were all starving and didn't know our way around to find food.  I tried to order milk for the kids.  They served them warm milk.  The kids were unanimously grossed out so I went back and asked for "kalt" milk.  Every McDonalds is different.  Product is different, options are different, so we haven't gotten a system down.  Apparently milk with a meal is strange in Austria.  Like many McDonalds here there was a McCafe in the same facility.  Tim is enjoying having good coffee for a reasonable price while the kids are happily munching their unhealthy meals.  Hopefully we are getting our fill of McDonalds for a while and won't have to eat their food for long time after we get home.  After we ate we walked around and got oriented to the town.  We came across a carriage tour and decided to do it.  It was a lot of fun.  The kids took turns sitting up front with the driver and we got to see the city lit up at night and learn our way around.  We forgot the camera, so no pics :(!

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