Friday, April 23, 2010

World's Biggest Fish Fry

Well we were in the neighborhood on our way back from Jackson,TN so we thought we'd check it out. We've heard about it for years, but never made the trip down to Paris to check it out. We parked (amazingly close) ventured out into the drizzling rain to see what it was all about. The rides, funnel cakes, and fair type attractions were present, but we really wanted to check out the fish tent. All you can eat for $10, kids $7, under 6 free. We found the tent, took a peek at the cookers, and then we found the line. I am sure it has been worse. It was under a covered tent, but the idea of waiting in disney style lines and then paying $34 for fish was more than we were willing to go for after a long day. The kids aren't big fans of fish so there would likely be no end to the "can't we just get something else to eat" monologue as we waited in line. So- World's Biggest Fish Fry: we came, we saw, we left and ate fish in our local restaurant the next night. Maybe some other time.

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