Thursday, April 23, 2009


Sorry for the down time between posts. Its been a busy couple of weeks. Here's the summary:

I went to the Midwest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati with Pam. We had a great time. We could "skywalk" to the convention so that gave us some flexibility and let us come and go as we pleased. Parking was a nightmare and one Pam had to settle with the hotel, but in the end we had a nice free breakfast for our trouble. A word of advice: always ask about in and outs in the garage. We ate well, learned a lot, and shopped a little. It was a good time and we arrived home exhausted but renewed.

We finished school today. We will do some review and wrap up activities next week, but we have finished all the material for this year. The timing was good.

Now for the serious reason for this post. A friend of mine is in the hospital today for testing. The doctors found a lesion on the lining of her brain yesterday. Some of you know her and are already praying- I am not posting names here for privacy reasons. She is a dear friend and I ask you all for your prayers on her behalf.

I promise to be more "on the ball" with the blog in the future. Laurel has some great pictures from the hike she went on with her Dad while I was away. I'll try to get some of those up soon. Many snakes- glad I wasn't there!

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