Monday, February 9, 2009

A post from the parking lot

Yes, I am resorting to sitting in a parking lot with my laptop to get to the internet. We are still without service (phone, internet, cable) due to the ice storm. Please call us if you need to reach us (all phone numbers will ring to our cell phones). I am trying to remind myself to just be thankful we have electricity as many here still do not. Here are some of the positives about this storm: It has shown us how much we depend on conveniences like pure water, flushing the toilet, electricity, phones, the access to information through the web. Carter likes to turn on the lights now "because we can." It was also nice that we couldn't go anywhere for several days. We spent time together because nothing else demanded our attention- no work, no kids activities, etc. We have also found that our kids have not asked for the television at all!!! There are blessings amid the hassles, but I have to tell you not being able to do a google search anytime I feel like it has made me crazy. I'll be back when we get service or the next time I feel the need to sit in a parking lot and connect!!

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