Monday, December 8, 2008

You know the cookies are bad if....

Tim found a "simple and won't break the budget" candy cane cookie recipe in the paper. We thought it would be fun to let the kids make cookies after we put up the tree. They enjoyed rolling the dough, forming the candy canes, and dipping them in sugar. Then came the tasting. Not so great. We knew they were really bad when we came downstairs this morning and discovered that we had left the cookies out on the counter overnight. The kids had been awake and playing downstairs for at least a half hour and no one had eaten a cookie. Normally any "goodie" in our house has to be hidden or it will be devoured. Today I am offering cookies as snacks in hopes of not having to throw them away. No fear, my cookie friends, this is not what I am bringing to the exchange!


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness!!

Anonymous said...

I think Clara would eat them anyway. She loves goodies. Aaron just had his first attempt at making fudge, in order to follow in his dad's tradition. His dad makes like 60 lbs every Christmas. We're not that ambitious. Anyhow, it turned out wonderfully. Just ask Clara. She went over to help her dad get the rest of it. While he was getting the tins ready to put it in, she was shoveling handfuls into her mouth. Who knows how much she ate before he interrupted her. Too funny that your kids prefer the dog to another sibling.