Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kentucky Lake on Father's Day

We spent Father's Day with our small group from church. We had lunch, our devotional time, and then went out on the lake. It was a fun day and reminded me of how much fun I had growing up spending time on the lake. Below is a slideshow of some pictures taken by our friend April that day. I am so glad she had a camera to document the day! Enjoy and post a comment here if you have a chance- the kids love to hear what everyone thinks and I forget to share the emails with them! Papa aka "safety man"- you better sit down before you click play.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! You guys look like fishes out there!

What fun!

Anonymous said...

how do you do that anyway? anonymous

Anonymous said...

Those pics brought tears to my eyes. You are such a beautiful family. I miss you all and wish we could be having fun with you, too!



Anonymous said...

Papa Santa would certainly not be happy about the two year old. Makes me want to get out on the lake though. Such good memories. Love you all!

Uncle Wes

sannyclaus said...

Good to see all the Safety Jackets
I taught you well.

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of the day your Mom & Dad took me water sking for the first, I'm glad to see everyones top stayed on. Looks like all had a great time.

Aunt Myra