Tuesday, November 25, 2008

They'd rather have a dog!

Over the weekend the kids participated in a Thanksgiving service at the church. It was nice and they had a great time. Later we watched the video of their performance at home. The camcorder kept playing and we all enjoyed cute video of "Baby Katey." We remembered how everyone loved Katey as an infant. With Matthew and Carter there were a few challenges as we all adjusted to the new little one in the house, but not with Katey. They all remembered those days and how much they adored her (now she is big and much more in their business so...). It was at this moment that those 4 feet and under in the house decided we need a new baby. We don't have a cute little one around anymore. Even Laurel said she would be willing to accept a boy in the family IF he was sweet like Katey was as an infant. Today, however, as I pointed out the challenges of a baby they began to think things through a little more. When I told them that having another baby would mean that we would not be getting a dog anytime soon, they quickly decided that they prefer a dog. Their campaigning came to an abrupt end.

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