Sunday, June 1, 2008

10 years

Tim and I had our tenth anniversary on Friday. In some ways it doesn't seem that long, but in other ways it does. The days of living in the CSC (Christian Student Center on UTK campus-our first home together) seem like a long time ago. However it seems like just yesterday we were praying for babies and then rejoicing at bringing Laurel home as those prayers were answered. Tim summed it up by saying that our first ten years were about having kids, and the next ten will be about raising them.

We enjoyed a night out thanks to friends who did a babysitting swap with us. We had dinner followed by shopping at Walmart. It is bad to admit we grocery shopped on our anniversary date, but with four kids a trip by ourselves was actually a treat. The kids and a long list is torture- remember: kid friendly or no go!! We spent an hour in Walmart on our way to the beach for our honeymoon, so it was only fitting to go there again. Tim actually found a piece of furniture we have been needing since we had the time to browse. More on that in an upcoming post.

For those of you who have known us since the beginning (i.e. you Knoxville folks) reflect with us fondly on the days of JFG after church on Wednesday, Kerruso, the CSC, Tim's hike, parties at the house on Armstrong, and working with the AGAPE kids. Fond memories of a time that seems long ago. Thanks for checking in here to share our life today.

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